Chiropractic Services
Problems sleeping, Fatigue, Menstrual problems, Nervousness, Ringing in ears, Dizziness, Low back pain, Knee pain, Tingling in leg, feet or hands, Jaw pain, Neck pain, Shoulder pain, Headaches, Tension, Allergies, Asthma, Colds, Sports Injury, Attention issues, Depression, Colicky baby, Digestive problems, Heart burn?
At Tomczak Chiropractic we understand that each patient is unique. Our doctor utilizes a number of different techniques to treat your specific therapeutic needs. The following are just a few of the techniques in which Dr. Tomczak is trained and licensed.
At Tomczak Chiropractic we understand that each patient is unique. Our doctor utilizes a number of different techniques to treat your specific therapeutic needs. The following are just a few of the techniques in which Dr. Tomczak is trained and licensed.
Chiropractic TechniquesGonstead Technique
Thompson Terminal Point Technique Diversified Technique Activator Method Sacro-occipital Technique |
Benefits of Chiropractic TherapyGood chiropractors do everything in their power to help relieve their patient's symptoms as fast as possible - with as few treatments as necessary - and also give advice on how to avoid future episodes of back pain or sciatica.
In preparation for the chiropractic consultation, the patient will be asked to fill out forms that provide background information about his or her symptoms and condition. Types of questions typically include: